Cinch is a free and easy way to create and share audio, text and photo updates using your phone or computer. Cinch enables you to capture and report on your experiences in a way that simple text just can’t do. Using a simple interface, you can make and broadcast your content creations through Facebook, Twitter, and more

What is Cinch exactly?

A Cinch is a funny moment documented in audio, important news you want to spread, a photo with commentary—it’s your ideas, thoughts and experiences packaged up so you can share them.

What is an Album?

An Album is something you can create to organize all of your Cinches by topic or event. When you create an Album you can set it to be public or private. People can select to follow specific albums of yours, if they are public. For example, you could create a “Family” Album that members of your family can follow and to stay up to date with your daily experiences or a “Vacation” Album where you post updates on all your latest adventures.

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iPhone Lost Market Share To Android


Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, once again told the investors that the secret behind iPhone’s sales success was the Android switchers.

But the statistics from the Apple’s earnings summary, and data from other independent market research firms, indicate a different story:

Тhe main reasons the iPhone is running out of the market – Tim Cook said that the sales would go down in the following quarter- was because the Alphabet’s Android phone system was resilient as the iPhone’s franchise had been weakened.

Cook also emphasized that:

A large number of people who had an iPhone phone prior to the release of iPhone 6 plus and iPhone 6- and this was in 2014, September- that they are still using those old models and have not yet upgraded to the iPhone 6, 6s, 6 plus or 6s plus and they are about 60%. This simply means that 40% have upgraded while 60% have not.

Modernizing your mobile architecture can bring you some benefits like improved data center, improving network reliability and more. Nowadays a mobile phone can be used not only for communication. Things have been changed a lot through years. Today, smartphones are also a source of entertainment. Whether it is a mobile app or mobile site, there are many ways to have some fun, for example have a look at these top offers to play Baccarat online. This is just one of the many sources of entertainment around the web.

According to Kantar Publication on their new findings about Android vs iOS, the Android switchers may actually be declining, this is according to Carolina MIlanesi who is the chief of research at the Kantar Worldpanel ComTech:

The Apple earnings in the US have been on their highest from 2012, asserting the fact that the client retention is a non-issue. However, client acquisition from the Android has down-sided from 13% in 4Q14 to almost 11% in 4Q15. The contribution of first time smartphone buyers made to Apple’s general sales numbers rose from 20% to 11% during the same period.

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How Mobile Phones Are Changing Тhe Developing World

mobile phones vs world

One of the greatest and most amazing technological development in the modern world is undoubtedly the mobile. None of us would be able to manage going through our everyday life if it were not for our mobiles. In fact, most of you will be reading this article on your smartphones if not on your laptop or tablet. We depend on our mobile from the beginning of the day to wake us up right until the time we hit the bed after reading an e-book or watching a video. But have you stopped to think about the ones that aren’t fortunate enough to avail of this opportunity? Because not all of us have a smartphone with access to a wifi/3G/4G network.

The general notion is that smartphones aren’t common in most rural parts of Asia and Africa. However according to recent surveys conducted, the smartphone users in Africa are around nearly a forty percent. While the rest own a basic mobile. It is only a few that do not have a mobile phone at all. Since smartphones and internet access have existed for a considerable amount of time in developed countries like America, working from home or shopping online is nothing out of the ordinary for such people. While those in developing places treat the benefits of smartphones and internet access a novelty.

Mobile phones have been constantly evolving and getting better by the day. In turn this has benefited the developing world in the following ways:


healthWith the developments in technology, the levels of health care have risen. As people all over world that own an android phone can take advantage of the several health care facilities that are made available via the internet. Important information is passed on to the common man via SMS campaigns, online applications, voice messages etc. Pregnant women who would otherwise be unaware of the precaution and care they need to take, are now able to ensure that they keep themselves and their babies in the best health. In case of any disease prevention, all information regarding prevention and cure is made available through mobile phones.

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